Thursday 28 February 2019


I’ve been reading a bit about gossip and, surprisingly, I’ve found two opposing points of view. 
According to one of them, gossip equals evil, and we should avoid it. Thus every time we indulge in gossip, we add bitterness and resentment to the narrative. I’ve been thinking that maybe that shapes or misdirects our way of thinking. I mean, you might not know all the details of the life of a person, but you get involved in those stories, which create a sort of caricature of a complex human being, focusing only on the morbid elements and their flaws. And, as we are made of stories, those images become ingrained in our subconscious. They are the references to paint a picture of that person in our mind, missing many of the soul's subtleties in the process. 

As we all know, gossip occurs when the object of gossip is not present. I’ve even witnessed a scene where my friends backbit someone else who was three metres ahead of them! That’s really what we could call talking behind someone’s back! I had been living in another town, so at that moment, I don’t know if it’s because I had lost the essence of our interactions and if my vision had become more neutral as a consequence, but that gesture seemed quite cruel to me. Well, I also think that I can be here writing about what’s right or wrong, and then I also make the same mistakes that I’m condemning. Anyway, this happens to all of us. Couldn’t it be that we follow a kind of cycle? First we set the standards for what is right or wrong, then we err and are blamed for that, and finally we redeem ourselves, and the cycle is completed.

On one of these occasions when we were talking about someone who had left the place twenty minutes ago, some of us could feel there was something shady in the atmosphere. Well, it was nothing but my birthday party and, late at night, we were meddling in the most scabrous details of someone’s life, a life which was out of control. When you thought about it and because of the nature of the problem, you could not find any solution to help that person, therefore it was really frustrating. One of our friends stated that we shouldn’t be talking about that person in that way during a party. Some months later, when it was her own birthday, she didn’t invite one of my friends and me to join them. Actually, the relationship that she and her boyfriend had with us all started to fade. I think she was right when she complained about our attitude during the party: it was a bitter situation that should have been addressed privately, even if many details looked very juicy! The good news is that the couple are going out again with the group from time to time.

As with most aspects of life, I’d say that the most desirable thing is to try to achieve balance. In one of TED talks, Jeff Conway offers a useful idea: we can redirect gossip and praise  the positive values of a person. I believe that would help to inspire the creation of the best version of others, as if we were a sort of Pygmalion.

Besides, there are so many other things to talk about! I can subscribe to the experience of feeling energized, cheerful and enriched when, with one friend, instead of gossiping, I talked about art, history, lifestyles, music and many other topics. Subsequently I realized that I needed to read and write more, because I didn’t know as much as I thought, and I wanted to explore all those fields in depth.

Apart from this, analysing the behaviour of others can also help our community to get better, as I have learned on the website "Psychology Today". It helps us to socialize, to become aware of the moral principles of our group, to perfect our own attitude, and to welcome newbies. The heart of the matter is how to do it without hurting others’ feelings significantly. In my opinion and according to the sources I’ve consulted, there are several ways to do this:
  • Trying to get as much information as possible, since lack of information leads to speculation, and speculation leads to gossip.
  • Asking lots of questions to different people before asserting something. We need to have different versions of the story. Clearly, a one-sided narrative takes us to a dead-end street.
  • We should wonder if we are trying to find solutions or if we are just wallowing in the dirt. It's obvious which conduct should be encouraged.
  • Talking with each person involved in the problem individually, in the most neutral and non-judgemental way, and then reaching our own conclusions sounds like a healthier strategy than exposing someone’s misfortunes before a large group.


Sunday 24 February 2019

Play it again, teacher

Students are continuously asking me to play music. So one day I carefully looked for lyrics with an enriching message, words easy to understand and a melody performed by a singer with a powerful voice. There it was, shining as pristine as Venus in her seashell: Beautiful, by Christina Aguilera. I removed some of the words in order to prepare the typical fill-in-the-gaps lyrics.

Learners' first reaction was that the tune looked like "music for old geezers". However, most of them completed the activity and showed the result proudly.

One of them had an additional proposal: "Teacher, now that we have all completed the assignment, you should reward us with a song that we actually like!"

So a song chosen by you, most probably about sexual depravity and/or drugs? Not in this dimension, my dear!

Photo of Christina Aguilera for the promotion of Fighter.

Dream jobs

Illustration from Fast Web.

Before coming to my school you might think that students dream of becoming astronauts, scientists, teachers or football players. Nevertheless, one day they tell you: "The ideal job is that of a porn star!" At least, being aware that they are able to hack porn accounts, you are certain that they're developing their... digital competence and entrepreneurial spirit, I guess.


“Take time daily to reflect on how much you have. It may not be all that you want but remember someone somewhere is dreaming to have what you have.” 
― Germany Kent.
Photo from Desiring God.

For example, something as simple as being able to go for a walk and observe pine trees, daisies and sparrows. You don't need to commit a crime and be jailed to miss all that. If you just get sick or have an accident and need to be hospitalised, the situation could seem something halfway between staying at a hotel and being in a prison.
So it's desirable to thank the universe for our blessings and enjoy them in body and soul when we have some free time. Instead of surfing the Internet all day, we could consider a variety of activities: visiting our family, going trekking, chatting with out friends at a bar, painting, writing a poem,...

Sunday 17 February 2019

Typical argument against feminism #2: Women already have equal rights

Photo by Dan Wynn.

Well, it is commonplace that in many jobs out there women get a lower pay than their male counterparts.

I can remember one specific moment when, in a job interview, which was particularly hostile, they asked me if I was thinking of having children some time soon. My sister told me afterwards that was an illegal sexist question.

Besides, politics is also represented within the four walls of our homes. Excuse my “rudeness”, but it’s clear that chores are still considered a woman’s duty. That’s ingrained in our subconscious and many men, comfortable with their privileges, don’t lift a finger to change this situation. They’re saving time and energy for themselves, why would they?

Let me come back again to the issue of women and work. Women can be discriminated at work in other ways. For example, a friend of mine told me her boss harassed her sexually.

As for feminism-opposers who put forward this argument, they almost always operate on the male / female gender binary, which is a problem. We need to take into account, for example, trans individuals.

We should further point out that there is a difference between the rights we have and the treatment we receive in society. For instance, in the Constitution of the United States, all races are considered equal in the eyes of the law. However, black people are continuously discriminated. Having the same rights does not ensure being treated as social equals.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Typical argument against feminism #1: Flirting is over.

A male friend once said this to me. In fact, that evening was quite shocking. Some people I usually go out with started spitting out all sort of things against “modern” feminism. “Do I really know these people?”, I thought. I couldn’t believe it.

As for flirting, let’s consider the situation of a man in a party. He wants to approach a woman he doesn’t know, just because he thinks she’s pretty, or because her gestures are charming, or because she exudes confidence. So he asks her something or makes a flattering comment.

What are the consequences for these two people?

1) The man.
a. The woman offers a positive response and he’s consequently successful, at least at the moment of the approach.
b. The woman refuses his offer and he feels bad. He can either think that it was a risk and a part of the game, or he can blame the woman, which is not uncommon, and think she’s a bitch – for going out with other men who are not himself.

2) The woman.

a. Maybe she likes this type of encounters and she reacts positively. She perceives it as a magical / spontaneous moment, or she just enjoys casual sex, or whatever.
b. She doesn’t know the man and maybe she doesn’t like the first impression he gives, his appearance, his gestures, or whatever. She may find it uncomfortable that a boy she doesn’t even know is trying to share moments of intimacy with her. She doesn’t know if she can trust him, maybe he could have bad intentions too.

So feminists just want to show, I think, that girls can react in a variety of ways, based on certain decisions which are as valid as those of men.

The world does not revolve only around men’s needs. Hey! Women want to be treated like humans too. That’s the “radical view” that feminists defend.

Me VS the world

Artwork from

When the world doesn’t meet my needs, I turn to creativity. L’ennui can be a blessing and I’m quite picky, I guess.

Why should we study?

Photo from

I’ve remembered something that some naughty students once told me: “Why should we study, if we’ll probably end up working in a MacDonald's?” So I guess the most logical thing to do is not to study and to end up living under a bridge…
But you see, they’re nihilistic!

I’d like to tell them something. “Do you know what entropy is? It is a physics principle according to which all systems tend to reach a state of chaos and disorder. I’d connect that with our lives. Our life only gets more and more difficult. We’ll find more and more obstacles. Today you may be acceptably comfortable, but tough times will come and until them we might have added some order or even more chaos. That will determine the possible results: a quite satisfactory life or a terrible ordeal. Of course there may be circumstances that alter the estimated outcome, but I cannot take them all into account, and we all know that ‘good / bad luck’ are always present.”


“Anger doesn’t solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything.” Lawrence Douglas Wilder.

This is sooo true. Anger only creates bitterness, resentment and, consequently, no desire to collaborate. The angry person puts themselves in a position of dominance and judges the other person with cruelty of one sort or the other. At least it’s perceived as cruelty.

In my opinion, the best thing to do is to find the correct techniques to attain your objective, which is most likely social in this case, maybe by means of some research and some trial and error. Then you can apply them, trying to be calm at all times, since peace inspires a good response by the other side. Nobody wants someone else to act as a parent who is constantly telling them off.

Artwork by Brian Pushead Schroeder (for Metallica).

Saturday 2 February 2019

Fresh start

Dear Diary by Tapps Games.

I'm going to start a diary again because writing is said to look most like thinking. And I'd like to reflect on what happens to me.
Today I've come across a moral dilemma and I’ve learned a few things.

First of all, I should speak less, keep personal information to myself, especially if my interlocutor isn’t someone close to me. I’m considering cultivating myself in order to talk about ideas, like the greatest, instead of wordly stories and gossip, that people can use against me.

Yes, my friends, you can’t trust almost anyone. On the other hand, and going a bit batty, I see myself a little like Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody: eccentric, uninhibited and irreverent (or just plain stupid, I don’t know)… however, in the end he paid for his excesses, his deviations from the rule, and he felt really lonely. At the same time, he had the incredible ability to move the masses. I think that one extreme motivated him to reach the opposite one, just like introverted people can make great actors after overcoming mini challenges to open up during their training. If you are already extroverted, you might not have that new need created.

I was thinking of re-reading what I’ve just written, but it could turn out to be more interesting and fresh to leave it like this. In the future I will certainly revisit it.

To tell the truth, by writing I feel that I could ease my need to talk excessively, and so I would avoid going too far. I have a lot, a lot to say… at last, and sometimes open wound and open air situations seem uncomfortable to express myself. Sometimes I get tongue-tied, my grace starts to decline, I lose the thread,… But sometimes I manage to build a well-structured discourse, I must admit.

 Occasionally I publish Whatsapp statuses because I really need to tell something, but I don’t want to say it openly either. So now, while I’m writing this, I realize that a diary could be what I need...

And reading and learning more. To be able to do what is fairer.
Without coming to be too hard on myself.